Immigration, School, Camp, Work Physicals
At Miami Urgent Care and Family Practice we are available with same day appointments to assist you with your physicals.
We are fully licensed by the US government to perform immigration exams. Our staff is bilingual, English and Spanish. We draw all lab on premises, administer all the required vaccinations and when necessary perform x-rays on premises so you don't have to drive all around town and waste your valuable time.
Need a school physical, camp physical or physical for work? We are here 7 days a week, with convenient early morning, evening and weekend appointments to assist you and to complete all your paperwork. There's no need to miss school or work to get your physical completed.
We find that many people who find us looking for a physical because they don't have a primary care doctor or their doctors not available are so happy with the convenient, quality care they receive that they become our patients for life.
Oh and did we mention that upon leaving all our patients receive Dr. Mones' personal cell phone and are encouraged to contact him by text if you ever questions in the future?
School, camp, immigration and work physicals at the moment you need them. Just another reason why we think Miami Urgent Care and Family Practice is unique and special. We think you will agree. Call us now to arrange your visit.